Monday, February 9, 2009

If Halo Wars Was A Lady...

she'd be a very sexy one. I've had a craving for a good RTS game for a long time, since about March 31st, 1998. I've been so flooded with shooters, then RPGs that the genre change is very welcomed. Halo Wars satisfies that craving while at the same time doing a little something for my inner Halo fanboy. It's embarrassing to admit but I am totally gay for Halo. I had a roommate a few years ago who we made fun of for loving Final Fantasy VII enough to download Advent Children and watch it over and over. Well, the cut scenes in Halo Wars this weekend made me realize I would act the same way if they made a Halo CGI movie.

So here's why I think this game is so great:
The animations are beautiful. When elite honor guards are battling a squad of marines you watch as they toss them too the ground, jump on top and plunge their energy sword into the marines chest.
The units special attacks are true to the series. Grunts throw plasma grenades that stick to whatever they hit for a few moments before they burst. The banshee has a suicide ability that causes it to dive bomb it's target causing area damage right before it dies. Spartans can be upgraded to carry the spartan laser, and their special ability is to commandeer vehicles. Every time I'd get to a new perk level and read the descriptions I'd giggle with glee chuckle manly-ly at the awesomeness Ensemble managed to capture.
It's simple. There isn't 1,000 different units to build or tech trees you can decide to follow. There's a barracks, n airfield, and a vehicle factory for both races and in general they each build 3 different units. More chess less Warhammer 40K; Easy to learn, impossible to master.

The controls were not terrible like they are on every other console RTS. There are hot buttons on the dpad for jumping to bases and groups of units. The bumpers allow you to select all units or local (on screen) units. Once you've got a group selected you can cycle through the unit types with the trigger to command the marines to grenade a building while the rest of your units continue to battle grunts, for example. In the end, scrolling around the screen with the joysticks is always going to be more clunky than a mouse, but Ensemble does it better than anyone has in the past.
For someone like me, a fan of halo and the RTS genre, this game succeeds at everything it attempts. After the demo I'm super excited for it...I know, I'm so gay for Halo it's sad.

I had so much fun with Halo Wars I almost put Halo 3 back in my disk tray but then Dingy (who's also an contributor here but has never written anything) invited me over and we got into another dated game, Rainbow Six Vegas 2. R6V2 reminded me of how much I dislike tactical shooters. I like games where it's relatively easy to identify the origin of bad guy bullets before you're dead. In tactical shooters I tend to die 5 or so times before I even locate the enemy. But I had fun with my buddy playing coop, which is the only way I could possibly play a tactical shooter for two reasons:
1) Co-op allows one player (read: me) to run and gun, my preferable technique in shooters. I just pulled out the shotgun and ran up and flanked dudes while my more conservative friend hung back in cover and picked them off with the sniper or assault rifle.
2) I don't like commanding a team. I insisted that Dingy host the game so that he was player 1 and had the command duties. If it were up to me, I'd just leave the two CPU teammates behind so I wouldn't have to screw around with getting them to listen to me.

So yeah, I bought it used for $25 and I'll be returning it in the 7 day window for a full refund. I hear very good things about farcry 2, maybe I'll see if they have a copy of that used.

And that's it.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Turns out I heart them. I used to think I hated them, or only had a mild passion for them. I was totally wrong. I definitely <3 them, I may even c=3 them.

I came to this realization playing Fable II the past week. I remember liking the first one but not the way I'm loving this lil' guy. It's so colorful and cheeky and just a pleasure to spend time with. The world Lionhead built for this game is gorgeous and magical. It truely draws me into it. It's one of those games where I'd pick it up planning to play for an hour and end up playing for 5.

Fallout was a statistical game. VATs tells you that you have a 32% chance of hitting enemy's head. Your lockpicking skill is at 76/100. Take a mentat to boost science 10 points so that you can hack the computer. Your right limb's damage is a few points away from being crippled. Drinking that water will give you some health, but at a +5 rads per second cost. Your combat shotgun is a few points away from breaking...

As an engineer I loved and appreciated all the numbers and math. But then there's Fable. Fable is refreshingly simple.

Oh, and turn based RPG's still suck in my book.

